Disneyland 1972 Love the old s

酒店兼差- 酒店兼差方式 - The Conspriracy -2020/05/28

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John: Me too. I moonlighted as a storeholder at a market. John: Poor thing. So have you moonlighted as well Helen? I moonlighted as a waitress. John: Have you heard of the phrase to moonlight? John: Here on Real English, you can learn interesting and fun words which you might not find in your dictionary. John: It means to work at an additional job, whilst not telling your main employer. It’s not good for you to work day and night. John: So, if you're a teacher during the day, but also work as a taxi driver at night to pay the rent, then you're moonlighting. B: What for? You’re doing so much already during the day. B: What have you been doing? A: I’ve been moonlighting at a bar for the last few nights. Helen: Well, when I was at university, 酒店兼差 I did do two jobs at the same time.

Helen: Well, let's recap for today. Helen: And I'm Helen. Helen: 啊,是吗?除了正常上班之外,还打了一份零工 an additional job. 》主要讲述了冤枉啊!他该不会怀疑她是商业间谍吧?想她生平没什么大志,最重要的目标就是赚钱 白天是古板的上班女郎,晚上是亮眼的兼差女孩 仗恃着年轻有活力,完全不懂得拿捏分寸的拚命工作 为了在职场上安身保命,总是尽可能的低调 这下被他盯上真是大不幸,纵使拥有十八般武艺也没用 他宛如背后灵一般,让她怎么也摆不了他的恶势力…


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